Impaired endothelium-dependent vasodilation in the brachial artery in variant angina pectoris and the effect of intravenous administration of vitamin C.

Endothelial dysfunction in the coronary artery contributes to the pathogenesis of variant angina, and endothelial dysfunction in variant angina may be associated with increased oxidant stress in the systemic arteries.…

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Impaired endothelial function in the brachial artery after Kawasaki disease and the effects of intravenous administration of vitamin C.

Background. Previous studies in patients with a history of Kawasaki disease have focused on vascular endothelial function in coronary arteries, and the endothelial function of systemic arteries is not fully…

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Disruption of Thiol Homeostasis and Nitrosative Stress in the Cerebrospinal Fluid of Patients With Active Multiple Sclerosis: Evidence for a Protective Role of Acetylcarnitine

Recent studies suggest that NO and its reactive derivative peroxynitrite are implicated in the pathogenesis of multiple sclerosis (MS). Patients dying with MS demonstrate increased astrocytic inducible nitric oxide synthase…

Continue ReadingDisruption of Thiol Homeostasis and Nitrosative Stress in the Cerebrospinal Fluid of Patients With Active Multiple Sclerosis: Evidence for a Protective Role of Acetylcarnitine